Farmers who have been impacted by floods and require assistance or have urgent welfare needs, please contact the VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226


Myth Buster: Do livestock self medicate?

Do livestock (sheep and beef cattle) self medicate? Or find what they need if it’s available? Dr Shawn McGrath, Senior Lecturer in Animal Production at Charles Sturt University joins us to discuss the science...

Managing cattle weaners in winter

It is considered good practice for beef producers to set a winter feed and financial budget. This must take into consideration remaining stored feeds, available paddock feed and importantly, the class of stock to...

Hands cupping grains

Feed testing – webinar recording

Check out this webinar recording on the benefits of feed testing and how to interpret the results. Click here to access the webinar To supply your livestock needs and ensure the best value for...

SheepNotes Image

NEW SheepNotes out now! Autumn 2023

SheepNotes autumn 2023 is OUT NOW – includes articles on pneumonia; understanding the methane and carbon cycles; providers of worm testing; reflections of the last 25 years of being involved in a BestWool BestLamb...

Angus cows and calves in pasture

Management of heifers and cows before calving

Guidelines for managing heifers and cows before calving Careful management of nutrition of pregnant females in all trimesters of pregnancy pays dividends at calving time. Calf loss will be minimised and calving supervision can...

Hands cupping grains

March towards feed quality

To supply your livestock needs and ensure the best value for money, you need to know the nutritive value of the feedstuffs. It is difficult to judge the quality of a feed visually, so...

farmers standing at dam edge using the DAMDEEP measurement tool

How are your farm dams holding up?

Whilst spring was very wet and many farm dams were full at Christmas time, this may no longer be the case.  Full dams at the start of summer may not be guaranteed to make...