March towards feed quality
Article printed February 14, 2025. For the latest version, please go to:
To supply your livestock needs and ensure the best value for money, you need to know the nutritive value of the feedstuffs.
It is difficult to judge the quality of a feed visually, so it is important to have feeds analysed to get an objective measure of the quality so that you can estimate its value to you and how much will need to be fed. The main feed components that can be tested are energy, protein, fibre and dry matter.
Agriculture Victoria is currently offering feed quality tests to check the quality of feed sources.
There are a limited number of tests available, so we’re encouraging farmers to register now.
After the results have been returned, Agriculture Victoria will host a series of webinars in the community to discuss test results and options to keep your stock as productive as possible.
for more information about feed testing, animal requirements; sampling and making rations visit Chapter 3 in the Sheep book
Or for information relevant to cattle Visit Chapter 5