Estimating feed on offer (FOO)
Livestock Officer Chris Blore demonstrates how to measure feed on offer in your paddock and calculate the dry matter available per hectare.
Livestock Officer Chris Blore demonstrates how to measure feed on offer in your paddock and calculate the dry matter available per hectare.
Renown Central Victorian farmer Mr Ben Greene will explain how he and his wife Jodie manage seasonal variability whilst still running a profitable and sustainable farming operation.
Perennial ryegrass staggers PRGS is seen when sheep graze tall, dry ryegrass (Lolium perenne) particularly in late summer and autumn, and often following sufficient rain to stimulate limited pasture growth. We have previously seen...
The practice of autumn pasture saving involves deferring grazing after the autumn break until feed on offer (FOO) is sufficient to sustain the growth of enough feed through the winter until spring, when pasture...
It is considered good practice for beef producers to set a winter feed and financial budget. This must take into consideration remaining stored feeds, available paddock feed and importantly, the class of stock to...
Agriculture Victoria has installed several soil moisture probes on a range of soil and pasture types across Victoria. Soil moisture probes have helped with making early decisions in the cropping industry for some time....
Autumn saving is a useful tool to manage grass growth at the break. It involves deferring grazing after the autumn break until feed on offer (FOO) is sufficient to maintain enough feed until spring,...
Dale Grey, Seasonal Risk Agronomist with Agriculture Victoria, tackles the myth buster “La Nina has no effect on summer rainfall in Victoria”. Dale also looks at historical climate data to consider what might lie...
Fodder conservation should only occur when there is surplus feed on the farm. However, where fodder reserves have diminished after a long dry summer/ autumn or wet winter pasture growth has been slow people...
With the recent high rainfall received across some parts of Victoria, managing livestock in wet areas is front of mind for many producers. Where grazing areas are prone to pugging and waterlogging, having strategies...
Feeding book, tools and calculators to assist sheep producers – particularly in dry conditions.
Feeding book, tools and calculators to assist cattle producers – particularly in dry conditions.
See here for a range of tools, tables and calculators – feed budgeting, feed values and more.