Farmers who have been impacted by floods and require assistance or have urgent welfare needs, please contact the VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226


Sheep eating grass in a small flock

To feed or not to feed – that is the question

Nick Linden and Jane Court, Agriculture Victoria With high stock prices and a favourable grain harvest looking likely is a temptation to run a percentage of lambs through on grain for earlier turnoff or...

Composite Ram

Pre-joining ram and bull checks and nutrition

Pre-joining ram checks Attention to the nutrition and health of the ram team is critical well before joining. Three useful resources provide some key actions to ensure your rams are in the best health...

Agriculture Victoria - Feeding Livestock Cows

Worms – monitor, measure and manage

A MLA review of endemic livestock diseases estimated that worms cost the Australian industry more than $400 million annually. This makes them one of the biggest diseases, in dollar terms, of all those facing...

Angus cows and calves in pasture

Grass tetany – be prepared

Grass tetany is caused by either a magnesium (Mg) deficiency or an interference with the absorption of Mg and results in high death rates in affected animals. It may occur at any time but...

SheepNotes Image

NEW SheepNotes out now!

In this edition Perennial ryegrass and phalaris staggers – Elle Moyle, District Veterinary Officer, Agriculture Victoria Farmer tips on autumn saving – Bindi Hunter, Agriculture Victoria NEXUS project: exploring profitable, sustainable livestock businesses in...

Tools for making rations

There are a number of tools and resources that can help to develop rations for any class of stock, and for what production you are after. Here, we feature the ones that do not...

Hands cupping grains

Hay and grain reports

The hay and grain reports are commissioned by Dairy Australia to provide an independent and timely assessment of hay and grain markets in each region. Reports are updated 40 weeks per year and can...