Farmers who have been impacted by floods and require assistance or have urgent welfare needs, please contact the VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226

health and welfare

SheepNotes Image

SheepNotes out now! Spring 2023

SheepNotes spring 2023 is OUT NOW – includes articles on Worm resistance in Victoria; soil carbon explained; the importance of understanding ‘fit to load’; ration builder and how to making it easier and more. 

SheepNotes Image

NEW SheepNotes out now! Autumn 2023

SheepNotes autumn 2023 is OUT NOW – includes articles on pneumonia; understanding the methane and carbon cycles; providers of worm testing; reflections of the last 25 years of being involved in a BestWool BestLamb...

Strategic summer drenching of sheep

Summer drenching is the key to minimising worm carryover into next year, by making sure that there are few worms in your sheep getting a free ride into autumn. A wetter spring means pasture...

Sheep eating grass in a small flock

Safely getting stock onto grain

The state has experienced quite variable seasonal conditions this summer, with some areas receiving significant rain and even some very intensive events while others have remained very dry.  Either way, if there are large...

Angus cows and calves in pasture

Grass tetany – be prepared

Grass tetany is caused by either a magnesium (Mg) deficiency or an interference with the absorption of Mg and results in high death rates in affected animals. It may occur at any time but...

Watch our focus on spring webinar series

Focus on – Livestock health and nutrition The Beef Sheep Network’s ‘Focus On – Spring’ webinar series began last month with presentations on livestock health and nutrition from Livestock Industry Development Officer Nick Linden...