Early weaning of lambs
Dry season webinar series: July 2024 Join Dynamic Ag Livestock Consultant Dr Steve Cotton to hear about when can you wean lambs, how early is too early, rumen development, factors affecting weaning age and...
Dry season webinar series: July 2024 Join Dynamic Ag Livestock Consultant Dr Steve Cotton to hear about when can you wean lambs, how early is too early, rumen development, factors affecting weaning age and...
Dry season webinar series: July 2024 The importance of nutrition with Dr. Jillian Kelly
Perennial ryegrass staggers PRGS is seen when sheep graze tall, dry ryegrass (Lolium perenne) particularly in late summer and autumn, and often following sufficient rain to stimulate limited pasture growth. We have previously seen...
The practice of autumn pasture saving involves deferring grazing after the autumn break until feed on offer (FOO) is sufficient to sustain the growth of enough feed through the winter until spring, when pasture...
Prepare for changing weather and ensure your stock are well cared for with the use of a stock containment area (SCA). Agriculture Victoria Land Management Extension Officer Clem Sturmfels said caring for stock during...
Infestations of Barbers Pole worm can be devastating. A couple of good resources can help. The spring edition of SheepNotes has an article by Steve Cotton on drench resistance “Knowing and managing your property’s...
SheepNotes spring 2023 is OUT NOW – includes articles on Worm resistance in Victoria; soil carbon explained; the importance of understanding ‘fit to load’; ration builder and how to making it easier and more.
It is considered good practice for beef producers to set a winter feed and financial budget. This must take into consideration remaining stored feeds, available paddock feed and importantly, the class of stock to...