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How to use the costing feed guides

When comparing feed costs, it is important to compare feeds on a cents per megajoule basis (c/MJME) to get a true comparison of which is best value for the dollars you are spending.

The hay and grain guides help you do this. Click here to open the Hay guide or Grain guide

Note: the cost of grain lookup tables can be used for costing pellets as well

You’ll need to know the delivered cost of the feed you are purchasing and the energy content of that feed.

For example:  if hay costs $300/T delivered and has an energy value of 8 MJME/kgDM, it will be costing 4.41 c/MJME. 

Compare this to a hay costing $350/T delivered and having an energy value of 10 MJME/kgDM costing 4.12 c/MJME. 

The hay costing $350/T is actually better value for the dollars you are spending, and you will be feeding less of this hay to meet animal requirements compared to the first hay.

Once you determine what hay is the best value for your money, you also need to ensure that the animals can eat enough (they may be limited by too high fibre) and that the protein is adequate for the stock being fed. 

The cost of hay and the cost of grain lookup tables are based on the following equation (ref. Chapter 5 Beef Cattle drought feeding guide)